Healthy skin, Happy You.

Because confidence starts with great skin.



Muwoto 3-in-1 Light Therapy Mask

muwoto is a new brand that creates great skincare devices. Nowadays, more and more people are seeking to enjoy the salon level skincare treatment just at home, which also happens to be the original purpose of the birth of muwoto . In order to let the portable and efficient beauty experience into the home. Experience technological skincare anytime, anywhere. We keep innovating and exploring to help people achieve exquisite and pure natural beauty.





Micro-Sculpt LED Handheld

The Muwoto Facial Massager is an LED facial microcurrent massager that utilizes various light therapy settings to provide a simple solution for a silky-smooth and radiant complexion of your face and skin!

By stimulating blood circulation and promoting collagen production, this facial massager helps tighten and lift the skin, reducing the visibility of double chins and improving overall facial contour. Say goodbye to the signs of aging and hello to a more confident and rejuvenated look. Invest in our Double Chin Reducer and embrace a firmer, more youthful complexion today.



How it works

The same treatment used by dermatologists - and NASA

Phototherapy has been a proven treatment for skin impurities and skin recovery with decades of scientific research by many federal agencies and organizations such as NASA – Dermatologists and Spas across the world are starting to take advantage of this new technology, but heavily overcharging their customers. Muwoto aims to bring its customers high-tech Phototherapy treatment – at the comfort of home








Avoid skin damage from other treatments

When it comes to traditional skincare methods, it can be fairly difficult for those with sensitive skin to find a treatment that doesn’t dry out or irritate their skin. Muwoto circumvents these issues with finely tuned infrared Phototherapy technology, to avoid skin irritation, and gently treat all skin imperfections.






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